adorable bridesmaid wears for junior

We ordered this dress for our daughter but it was a bit too small as she needed a size 12. It was $62 (plus shipping) and we are selling for $25 because we missed the return window. This is a really cute dress at a great price! adorable bridesmaid wears for junior

Silhouette: A-Line
Neckline: Scoop Neck
Length: Knee-Length
Fabric: Chiffon
Embellishment: Ruffle, Beading
Straps: Spaghetti Straps
Sleeve: Sleeveless
Back Style: Zipper Up
Fully Lined: No
Color: Blushing Pink

Here is the complete description:…

Adorable NWT Junior Bridesmaid Dress size 10 blushing pink $2528036

We ordered this dress for our daughter but it was a bit too small as she needed a size 12. It was $62 (plus shipping) and we are selling for $25 because we missed the return window. This is a really cute dress at a great price!

Silhouette: A-Line
Neckline: Scoop Neck
Length: Knee-Length
Fabric: Chiffon
Embellishment: Ruffle, Beading
Straps: Spaghetti Straps
Sleeve: Sleeveless
Back Style: Zipper Up
Fully Lined: No
Color: Blushing Pink

Here is the complete description:…